Nuermberg was the headquarter of former Nazi party, Hiterler had a huge plan to build up his empire including several unbelievable building and fields, unfortunately, or fortunately, he has finished nearly nothing before he cracked down, it was supposed to be the conference hall, he should stand in the center, then all of the members should be facing to him.
It is the entrance to the old town, there are many churchs, and a big castle, a nice place to take a tour, and also comportable to sit somewhere eating a icecream, the weather was just great when I was there.
The old german style house, someone told me that I can also find it in Qin dao.
Visited Renzberg which is 1 hour way from Nuermberg, there is a OLD-Bautiful church + a museum full of GOLD, "I have never seen so many golds", I left it at the notebook for tourists :)
Munich is not very interesting, or it is too big, totally got lost.
Nifenburg looks great, also HUGE, not time to visit,
because spend much time in the Olympia park, the biggest should be the LOGO of BMW
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